Nina Poch joins Rocky Knoll as the HR Generalist for Rocky Knoll. One of my first jobs in my career path was at Rocky Knoll as a CNA and it was truly one of the best jobs I ever had. My husband and I owned a dairy farm in Wisconsin for 15 years and ran and managed all ends of the business. This explains my love for cheese. We sold our farm in 2015 and moved right outside of Nashville TN. I worked at Trousdale Turner Correctional Center as a HR Assistant for 3 years and then went on to work for Sumner County Government as IT Office Manager and continued College at Vol State Community College to obtain my Project Management (PMP) and became the PMO for the County. My husband Keith and I have been married for 28 years and have two beautiful daughters Jordan and Sierra, and two spoiled rotten dogs. My passion is family time, walking, and spoiling my fur babies. I'm thankful to be back at Rocky Knoll working for the County and doing my best to improve and maintain the employee onboarding process and work with an amazing TEAM along the way.